The PC and the PLCs have only to be connected in the same Ethernet TCP/IP network, with address compatible with the current subnet. The connection needs a RS232/RS485 converter, in order to connect a serial port of the PC with a RS485 net that can hold a number of PLCs. It is a direct driver, not based on Saia libraries, making it possible to communicate in different ways: Saia Data Mode The SaiaDataMode driver has been developed to communicate with Saia-Burgess PCD series PLCs. Winning Eleven 2002 English Version Isotretinoin. If you intend that it should work in another way, write it:)Bye. So you can use your script in this way: Public Sub Click()MsgBox(‘Are you sure to change value?’,vbExclamation + vbOkCancel,’Warning’)If vbOK ThenSetVariableValue(‘SwitchVar’, 1) ElseSetVariableValue(‘SwitchVar’, 0)End IfEnd Sub It should work like you want. You only have to consider that you should not link the variable directly to the Switch object, but you have to manage the variable value through this script. This is what I have: Public Sub Click()MsgBox(‘Message Text’,vbExclamation + vbOkCancel,’Warning’)If vbOK Then? = 0End If End Sub Any ideas on how to complete this? Thanks for the help. If the user presses cancel the switch remains in the off position. I would like to add a message box to this switch so the user has to OK the message before the value is written to the PLC.

When the user presses the switch the variable is turned on/off. Hello all,I have a graphical switch that is tied to a PLC variable. 11-20: Microsoft Windows 10 – CiSetFileCache TOCTOU Security Feature Bypass (0) 11-20: iOS 11.1 / tvOS 11.1 / watchOS Movicon Search Path Issues (0) 11-01.